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FECSGV Connections


Church Reopened

We have reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person must wear a mask within the church and during service. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service. Please arrive at church early for the screening process. The gates will be closed at 9:45 AM.

Sunday Service German Pietist Philipp Spener, made this observation about the Book of Romans, and he said, “If Holy Scripture was a ring, and the Epistle to the Romans a precious stone, Chapter 8 would be the sparkling point of the jewel.” Do you want to discover the sparkling jewel? Pastor Ken will continue to uncover more sparkling insights on the Spirit and listen to part 2 of his message on “Walk in the Power of the Spirit.” You can join us in person or watch the live service through Zoom.

Zoom ID: 864 3742 0180

Password: 5537

Sunday School

We will resume our study of a new book called “Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation” by Robert J. Morgan next Sunday.

Baptism Class

Please talk to Pastor Ken if you are planning to get baptized. The next baptism will take place on Sept. 11th at Bob and Mel's home.

Vibrant Community Groups

The apostle Paul reminds the saints in the Book of Galatians with these words: “Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.” Be mindful of those who are broken and are in need of restoration. Invite them to your group and restore them to life.

Family Life: John

Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack

ThrYve (Young Adults & College):

Lighthouse: Andrew

Men's Group: Paul

Women’s Groups:

Anni (meets on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)

Carrie (meets on Thursday mornings)

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