Church Reopened
We have reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person are required to wear a mask, and have their temperature checked at the gate. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service. Please arrive at church early for the screening process. The gates will be closed at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Service We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! This Sunday, pastor Ken will speak on “Follow the Star.” You can watch the live service through Zoom.
Zoom ID: 864 3742 0180
Password: 5537
Support LA Refugee Family
We want to thank you for your generous contribution to this outreach ministry. We have raised $10,800 seed money to serve one Afghan family to resettle in Los Angeles. We will keep you posted on our progress with this outreach.
New Sunday School
We will finish our study this Sunday and pastor Ken will be teaching on “God’s Empowering Presence.” Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA observed that “The longitudinal research on child development clearly demonstrates that one of the very best predictors for how any child turns out--in terms of happiness, social and emotional development, leadership skills, meaningful relationships, and even academic and career success is--whether they developed security from having at least one person who showed up for them.” Pastor Ken will inspire and teach you how to develop this kind of secure and strong bond with God.
Join us in person or through Zoom.
35th Anniversary Album
To celebrate the 35th anniversary of our church, we will publish an album. We are collecting articles of your faith story and photos of what God has done in your life. Your story should not exceed 450 words, add high-resolution photos, and submit it to the church office []. The deadline to submit your article is December 31st.
Special Thanksgiving Offering
We are collecting a Special Thanksgiving Offering to support urgent needs in the global mission field. This year, 25% of the donation will be given to support Habibi International’s N. Iraq Refugee Relief. The other 75% will support Taiwan West Coast Mission ministries. Please write: 2021 Special Thanksgiving Offering” in the memo or on the offering envelope.
Donation Receipt Deadline
The expiration dates for 2021 donation receipts are as follows:
Check Offering: Ends 1/9/2022 (Check issued date MUST be on or before: 12/31/2021). On your check memo, please specify "2021 offering".
Cash Offering: Ends 1/9/2022. Please write "2021 offering" on the envelope.
Credit card and Online Offering: Ends 12/31/2021 Pacific Time 12:00 a.m.
Send by mail: Postmarked on or before 01/9/2022.
Vibrant Community Groups
We will continue their meeting through Zoom this week. You can contact your leader for Zoom info.
Family Life: John
Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack
Lighthouse: Andrew
Women’s Groups: Anni