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FECSGV Connections


Church Reopened

We have officially reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person are required to wear a mask, and have their temperature checked at the gate. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service. Please arrive at church early for the screening process. The gates will be closed at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Service

We are combining with the youth today and Pastor Ben will be speaking this Sunday. The title of his message is called “Nothing is Impossible with God” from Luke 1:26-38. You can watch the live service through Zoom.

Zoom ID: 864 3742 0180

Password: 5537

Support LA Refugee Family We want to thank you for your generous contribution to this outreach ministry. We have raised $10,200 seed money to serve one refugee family to resettle in Los Angeles. We will keep you posted on our progress with this outreach.

New Sunday School

We will continue our study this week and Eugene will be teaching the seventh language of God: Pain. Mark Batterson said, “Nothing gets our full attention like pain. It breaks down false idols and purifies false motives. It reveals where we need to heal, where we need to grow. It refocuses priorities like nothing else. And pain is part and parcel of God’s sanctification process in our lives.

Join us in person or through Zoom.

35th Anniversary Album

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of our church, we will publish an album. We are collecting articles of your faith story and photos of what God has done in your life. Your story should not exceed 450 words, add high-resolution photos, and submit it to the church office []. The deadline to submit your article is December 31st.

1st Saturday of the Month Prayer Meeting

This will be our last congregational prayer meeting for this year. Let us seek God’s face for His guidance as we prepare for the New Year. See you on Dec. 4th, 9 a.m. in Grace Hall.

Vibrant Community Groups

We will continue their meeting through Zoom this week. You can contact your leader for Zoom info.

Family Life: John

Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack

Lighthouse: Andrew

Women’s Groups: Anni

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