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FECSGV Connections


Church Reopened

We have reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person will no longer need to wear masks within the church and during service. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service.

First Saturday of the Month Prayer Meeting: 11/04 will be in Grace Hall 9:00 AM. Remember Daylight Savings Ends on Saturday!

Sunday Service: Social Concern Sunday 11/05 will be held in the Main Sanctuary starting at 9:30 AM.

Membership Meeting

Membership Meeting on Sunday, 11/12/23 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM.

UCLA Health Fair

A community health fair offering many free health screenings will be held on Saturday, 11/18/23 at 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the church courtyard. Consider joining us and let your family as well as friends know. More information will follow.

Thanksgiving Potluck

Friday 11/24 in Chapel 2 at 6:00 PM. Sign up with Nelly Au.

Christmas Pancake Breakfast

Sunday 12/24 in Chapel 2 at 8:00 AM.

Calling All Volunteers!

Join us and enjoy food, fellowship, and a time of service.

  • Operation Xmas Child Friday 11/10 in Chapel 2 at 7:00 PM. Sign up with Paul.

  • College & Missionary Care Package Friday,12/01 in Chapel 2 at 7:00 PM. Let’s pray for our college students and missionaries.

  • Neighborhood Cookie Distribution Sunday, 12/10 - Details to follow.

  • Salvation Army Toy Sort Saturday,12/16 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Sign up. and please let Paul know so we can help coordinate.


Please see Paul if you are interested or want to know more.

Devotional in 2023 (Quiet Time)

Looking for new materials for your quiet time (QT)? Consider using the free devotional, Living Life ( It also comes with QT instructions (

Vibrant Community Groups

Check out a group this week and get connected with people.

Family Life: John

Friday, 8:00 PM through zoom.

Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack

Friday Nights

ThrYve (Young Adults & College): Yi-ki

Friday, 8:00 PM on Zoom or in-person

Men's Group: Paul

Women’s Groups:

Pauline (meets on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)

Carrie (meets on Thursday mornings)

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